February 9 , 9 pm (ET)
Coast Shore and Estuarine Zones – Environmental interface spaces, ecosystems, development models, environmental quality barometers
The coastline of mainland Portugal has an approximate length of 987 km, and the coastal zone presents from a biogeophysical point of view a great lithological, morphological, biological and landscape diversity.
Coastal counties support about 3/4 of the population and generate about 80% of GDP. The migratory trend towards the coast persists, increasing economic activity, especially tourism, and frequently generating pressures and conflicts with environmental values.
We will analyze the challenges that exist on the way to an integrated and sustainable management of the Portuguese coastal zone, the debate will focus on two points, the present / short term and the future / long term.
The speakers are Ana Paula Vitorino, deputy of the Assembly of the Republic and former minister of the sea; Gonçalo Calado, full professor and Vice-Rector for Research and Internationalization at Universidade Lusófona, in Lisbon, where he teaches the subjects of Ecology and Marine Biology; and Francisco Ferreira, environmental engineer, associate professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and director of Zero – Associação Terrestre Sustentável.